St Matthews Children’s Action Group was set up in 1989 by local residents and the tenants association, as a temporary and direct response to the lack of play space and out of school provision for children and families in St Matthews. Our work is around the Playwork Principles and that play is innate, biological, psychological and a social necessity. We also work alongside the Every Child Matters Agenda; being healthy, staying safe, enjoying & achieving, making a positive contribution and economic well-being.
The What Cabin
Who we are
The Children There are 1654 children aged 0 to 15 in the St Matthews area, we currently support a community of 213 registered children, who visit regularly and the playground has an average of 35 children attend per session.
The Staff We have 1 Senior play Leader, 4 Play Leaders and 2 sessional playworkers with many years of dedicated experience in children's play and development.
What we do
We provide free play opportunities for 5 (From September 1st) to 12 year old's on St Matthews and welcome children and families from all backgrounds to take part in play sessions after school and in the holidays. Children take part in social events, workshops and trips all year round and have a say on what they want.
We are open from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday term time and 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm during school holidays except bank holidays and the Christmas break.
All our play sessions and playschemes are FREE!
We are an Open Access Project and children can come and go freely when they are registered with us. Our open access policy can be found in key information.
We collect children from school whose parents are in full time education or employment from our local school Taylor Road School. There is no fee for the play sessions or playschemes and snacks are included.
Children participate in various activities from workshops on heritage and self-esteem to photography, art, sports and trips.